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3D Archery Motion Analysis

What is provided to you?

During your archery assessment, we will measure/calculate

  • Body position and orientation – head, pelvis, and foot orientation, draw forearm angle, elbow flexion, shoulder abduction and horizontal abduction, stance width ratio, etc. 
  • Stability – wrist “shaking”, relative motion between wrist and shoulder, draw length difference.
  • Weight distribution.

We provide a complete report tailored to your specific joint kinematics and body segments throughout your archery shot. We will provide detailed feedback regarding your body position and orientation, stability, and weight distribution. We will provide high-speed videos filmed during your swings.

All your data will be compared to the likes of professional athletes with ideal forms. We can then translate your specific data values into definable outcomes that make sense to the user and can be implemented to improve performance while also decreasing the likelihood for injury risk overtime. Finally, we can provide clinical interpretations and recommendations from our experienced team which could be utilized for assisting injury reduction or throughout your current injury rehabilitation.



Want to schedule this analysis?

Please contact us:

Alternate date/times upon request.